September Chapter Networking Connections

  • Friday, September 20, 2013
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Nationwide/Allied Insurance, 1100 Locust Street, Des Moines Room W226/228


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String Theory - The Next "Big Thing" in Performance Improvement

Presented by: Frank Russell, CEO of Prositions


Learn how the latest advancements in virtual mentoring and social media are revolutionizing the performance improvement world. Frank Russell, CEO and founder of Prositions, Inc. and serial entrepreneur will explain how you can take advantage of the latest technologies and techniques. Some of the topics he will cover include:

1)     How to build a virtual mentoring network

2)     How to leverage social media  

3)     How to become a communication architect

4)     Why “String Theory” may be the next “Big Thing” in Performance


About Frank Russell

Frank has over 30 years of human resource management experience. He is also a serial entrepreneur having started three other companies in the HR space.

Prior to starting Prositions, Frank was Founder and CEO of GeoLearning, Inc. Geo was one of the largest SaaS-based learning and performance management companies in the industry.  Prior to founding GeoLearning, he was President and Founder of Excellence in Training Corporation, a leading producer and distributor of video-based training.

Frank worked for Control Data Corporation in the late 1970s with the Plato System, which was the first commercially viable CBT authoring system. He has also been the director of training for a Fortune 500 company and State Training Administrator for the State of Iowa.

Come and enjoy an energized presentation from one of the thought leaders in our profession. 



For a map of the location, click here.


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