
We are always looking for volunteers to join a committee or assist with many one-time opportunities to get involved.  We offer many opportunities to volunteer, from being a greeter at an event, to hosting a special interest group, or even hosting an event. Many of these events require a small time commitment.   

You may contact the VPs listed below for more information about their committees or inquire about how to get involved, or if you are unsure of where to start, contact the VP Members and Ambassadors for assistance. By being an active board committee member you can earn free attendance to 3 education events (PDD not included, unless you are active on a PDD committee). Being active is defined as attending committee meetings and participating in projects and discussions. 




Community Relations

Community Relations nurtures community and collaboration. This committee works to strengthen our chapter’s internal and external sense of community by creating opportunities for members to connect with others and give back to the community, all while enhancing the image and presence of ATD and our local chapter in the central Iowa area.


The mission of the Education committee is to enhance the abilities of the Chapter membership through a variety of programming focusing on the 10 ATD Areas of Excellence. This committee will help you expand your personal development through programs and workshops which may be classroom based or virtual. You will also have an opportunity to network, connect with other participants from various organizations, and share ideas with other talent development professionals. You may also submit and RFP to BE a presenter for an event. RFPs are typically sent in the fourth quarter to prepare programming for the following year.

As a committee member - You will help select speakers for the year from the RFP submissions, or by soliciting speakers based on member feedback or request. You may also work with speakers on the marketing of their session and collaborating with the e-Media and Marketing committee. We also need committee members to search out host locations and work on day of the event things like food set up, room set up, and clean-up/tear down. 

e-Media & Marketing

The e-Media & Marketing committee works to bring the community together in the virtual space.  This includes creating discussion and idea sharing on social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter; making periodic updates to the website; and creating and distributing email blasts to the members. The committee also develops marketing ideas and plans for various events of the chapter.

Members & Ambassadors

The Members & Ambassadors committee focuses specifically on the recruitment and welcoming of new members to the chapter.  This committee also encourages and supports the retention of members, and encourages members to consider the benefits of Power Membership.

Sponsorship Committee The Sponsorship committee works with the president elect to secure both chapter and event sponsorship for everything from events to special interest groups to chapter level support. This group provides the opportunity to work closely with local businesses while promoting the benefits of ATD Central Iowa!
Professional Development Day Committee The Professional Development Day committee plans our annual conference. This group organizes everything from the facility to speakers to food to the agenda and theme for the day.
Technology Committeepresident@atdiowa.orgThis new committee is just now getting organized. This is a great opportunity to get experience starting up a brand new area of our chapter. We are looking to streamline some of our technology decisions and need experts to help us. Join this group if you are ready to help consult and apply the latest in technology to our chapter.

Renewing your ATD Membership, registering for an ATD event, or making a purchase from the ATD store? Our ATD ChIP code is CH6013.Every time the code is used, it contributes to the financial health of our chapter by giving back a portion of the purchase price to our chapter. Visit the ATD store for all of your talent development needs. 


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