Leadership SIG - Show and Share with Lisa Walters

  • Friday, May 17, 2024
  • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Virtual - Zoom link in info


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Topic: Show and Share with Lisa Walters 

Time: 8:30 to 10 AM

Description: Calling all training administrators and learning professionals! Are you ready to elevate your impact and find deeper meaning in your role? Join us for an exclusive session packed with insights and strategies from a seasoned learning professional!

As a result of our conversations about onboarding, we are fortunate to have Lisa Walters, with the Iowa DNR join us! She recently hosted this NASPE/Learnsoft Webinar Celebrating 10 Years of Career Empowerment with the Iowa DNR's Most Valuable Resource Program. This is a 3 Phased Program for the Iowa DNR consisting of Onboarding, Most Valuable Resource (MVR) - Career Empowerment Program, and a Follow Up Survey taking place in the employee life-cycle of Time of Hire - 9 months. All registrants should watch this full webinar before attending this session for a deep dive into the "why" behind these programs, how to engrain connections to the Departmental tenets in your onboarding, practical tips and strategies for success for a career empowerment program and impressive stats from her years of delivering these programs. You will surely walk away with ideas you can implement into your own agencies. 

In this exciting sequel session, we will embark on an explorative journey that just may help you transform some of your current challenges into opportunities for success! Lisa will share how she navigates the complexities of being a solo training administrator by incorporating her values into her work. Review tips to permeate personal and agency values into your role, consider new ways to juggle diverse responsibilities, empower you with efficiency hacks and review personal accountability tips for self-management. Plus, see first-hand some of the resources and creativity employed by Lisa at the DNR to help build a culture of accountability, continuous learning, and valuing employees within the agency.

Don't miss out on this opportunity! Register now to take your training administration vision to the next level! 

Topics covered in this session: 

1. Adding Values for Meaningful Training Administration Work

2. Mastering Complexity: Strategies for Handling Diverse Responsibilities

3. From Overwhelmed to Empowered: Tips and Tricks for Training Administrators

4. Valuing Your Team: Building a Culture of Accountability, Learning and Recognition (Resources Show & Tell)

5. Lessons Learned: Insights and Advice for Training Administrators with Q&A time

The purpose of the Leadership SIG is to explore new possibilities, share best practices, and build relationships in order to develop your leadership ability and develop leadership capacity in others.  

The Leadership SIG meets the third Friday of each month from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Meetings are held virtually via a Zoom meeting link (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87974286838?pwd=YjhJVTlzY2RZc0ZnTG1iTVkyOUluUT09).  The SIG is hosted by Aaron Barber (Sammons Financial Group, abarber@sfgmembers.com ) and Lacy Fitzpatrick (Wright Service Corp, Lfitzpatrick@wrightservicecorp.com).  If you have any questions, comments or ideas for the SIG, please connect with one of them.

Cost: FREE


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