Feedback With Heart

  • Friday, November 13, 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Virtual Zoom Event


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Topic: Feedback With Heart

Date: November 13, 2020

Time: 9:00am - 11:00am

Location: Virtual Zoom Event - Link will be sent to the registrants the week of the event (Reminder: Check spam/promo email folders if it does not arrive in your inbox)

 Presenter: Alan Feirer

Alan Feirer is a leadership trainer, Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner, Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ Authorized Partner, organizational development consultant, and author of The Group Dynamic Field Guide: 51 Ideas You Can Use Today. For the last 20 years, he has done business as Group Dynamic, helping people embrace challenging work, and have less stress while getting more done. Alan works with managers, directors, leadership teams, staffs, and team members through leadership training, team-building, and communication training.

Mr. Feirer lives in Winterset, Iowa, with his wife, Julie, and daughter, Mara. He holds membership in many professional organizations, including Optimists, Madison County Area Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Des Moines Partnership, and the Association for Talent Development (previous Central Iowa chapter President). Feirer's other interests include competitive Scrabble, exercise, travel, dining, and anything Disney.

Session Summary

Feedback drives engagement and performance, yet workers report that feedback is lacking. Even leaders know this truth, yet they still avoid giving feedback. The reasons are plentiful and mostly include feelings of discomfort.

But feedback, both positive and corrective, is the best and least expensive tool leaders use to drive engagement and productivity. Without consistent feedback, people are unsure of what behaviors to continue and which ones need to change.

Communicating feedback requires communication skills that leverage relationship power. It also requires that leaders know the levels of maturity and remain “above the line.” Both of these obstacles to effective feedback require trust and connection, not control. When leaders exercise relationship power when giving feedback, trust grows and feedback is accepted.

Feedback is key for leaders to motivate their people. It also connects people with more fulfilling work. Research and best practices indicate that employees thrive when feedback is specific, direct, behavior-based, frequent and future-oriented. When employees are clear about what they’re doing well and what can be improved, they’ll look forward to getting to work.

Session Objectives

Participants will develop the following Workplace Competencies, being able to:

  1. Overcome their own objections to giving feedback.
  2. Understand the use of relationship power and how it correlates to giving more effective feedback.
  3. Identify the four levels of maturity and use the top two tiers to develop more meaningful feedback.
  4. Understand and apply the proper ratio for giving feedback.

ATD Areas of Expertise Addressed

  • Performance Improvement
  • Change Management
  • Coaching


  • ATD Member - $59
  • Regional Member - $59
  • Non-Member - $89

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